Pecan Festival -  SAAHA Arabian Horse Demonstration Video

Each year we use our club, the Southern Arizona Arabian Horse Association (SAAHA), to organize Arabian and HA horse demos all day at our annual Pecan Festival, which is like a Harvestfest. We have draft horses pulling families thru the orchards to see our trees being shaken, tractor pulls, 4-H booth, petting zoo, pony rides and over 100 vendors of high quality crafts and local foods.

We show an Arabian in all the disciplines from hunt to sidesaddle to trail to working cow. We distribute AHA literature and have a place where kids can wear a turban and be photographed with an Arabian horse. We had over 15,000 folks attend last year and produced a video.

The 2014 Pecan Festival is Saturday, November 8th.



"You can never rely on a horse that is educated by fear.
There will always be something that he fears more than you. But, when he trusts you, he will ask you, what to do when he is afraid."

~ Antoine de Pluvinel
16th century equerry to King of France

Quality Horses and Boarding Facility

Rancho Soñado offers performance Arabians and Half-Arabians for sale plus quality boarding facilities for all breeds.

Whether you are new to horses or a seasoned showman, we have special horses that will be your most trusted partners!